Individual membership

Individual Membership

An individual membership in the leading international scientific and educational organization for medication adherence has many advantages. ESPACOMP members receive benefits and opportunities, additionally they become part of a global collaborative community. The current annual membership fee is EUR 100. This is included in the annual meeting registration fee. As an associate member you will benefit from the advantages offered by the association and vote in the matters of the society. Individuals typically become associate members by attending the annual conference. However, you may also become a member or renew associate memberships without participating to the yearly conference. For November 2023 to November 2024, you may renew your membership here.

Operating Committee Membership

Individual members wishing to take an active role in the society may apply for membership in one of the society’s Operating Committees. Applications for Operating Committee membership are invited in specific calls to members issued depending on Committees’ yearly activities, and sent in writing to There are no open calls currently.

Executive Board Membership

ESPACOMP members may choose to further their individual membership by applying to serve on the ESPACOMP Executive Board.

Most importantly, to be eligible to serve on the board ESPACOMP members must:
  • be engaged in ESPACOMP for the past 3 years or longer, and be a member of ESPACOMP;
  • have a PhD-degree in a field related to medication adherence research or have equivalent publications, or to be a health care professional (MD, DNP, PharmD) with expertise in adherence.
Executive board members’ responsibilities are the following:
  • endorsing the objectives of ESPACOMP;
  • participating in ESPACOMP executive board meetings (monthly teleconferences);
  • actively participating in ESPACOMP activities and or initiating such activities (e.g. conference scientific planning, abstract review, pre-conference planning, or other ESPACOMP initiatives).

Calls for Executive Board members are issued yearly. There are no open calls currently.