The International Society for Medication Adherence (ESPACOMP) is a non-profit association established to promote the science of how people use the medicines they have been prescribed.
This science addresses the differences between healthcare providers’ prescriptions and patients’ use of those prescription medicines, the reasons for medication non-adherence, the clinical and economic consequences of non-adherence, and the development and implementation of interventions to support adherence.
ESPACOMP also aims to facilitate the translation of this research into information that is useful to patients, healthcare providers, healthcare policy makers, drug regulators, and industry.
The successes of ESPACOMP research initiatives, including the ABC taxonomy, the EMERGE guideline and the TEOS framework, have depended upon highly effective collaboration among its membership. With ESPACOMP endorsement, these projects will continue to influence and improve the science concerning medication adherence.
In this context, ESPACOMP has set out a process for partnering (or collaborating) with, participating in, and endorsing the results of, externally initiated research or projects. For ESPACOMP involvement, the broad principles of collegial working, methodological rigor, transparency of reporting, and declaration of interests, will be followed.
Requests for partnership (or collaboration) with ESPACOMP on research or other project activities, should be made by completing the questionnaire below. These requests should be submitted at an early stage of project initiation.
The ESPACOMP Research, Policy and Implementation Committee will evaluate the proposal and make a recommendation to the executive board, who will inform the applicants of the final decision within two weeks. Please note that only projects receiving ESPACOMP endorsement may use the logo in any form of communication. We reserve the right to place conditions on successful applications. Each case will be decided on their own merits.