


The 2002 symposium on patient compliance and persistence was held at the University of Leuven on November 7.


13.00-13.15 Registration, lunch and welcome.
Sabina De Geest, RN, PhD, Institute of Nursing Science, University of Basel, Switzerland and Center for Health Services and Nursing Research, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium

13.15-14.00 The economic implications of medication noncompliance.
Irina Cleemput, MSc, Center for Health Services and Nursing Research, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium

14.00-14.45 The impact of noncompliance on the cost-effectiveness of pharmaceuticals.
Dyfrig Hughes, Bpharm, MSc, PhD, MRPharmS, Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom

14.45-15.30 New pharmacoeconomic consequences of variable compliance.
John Urquhart, MD, Division of Pharmaco-Epidemiology, Maastricht University, The Netherlands and Palo Alto, USA

15.30-16.00  Coffee break

16.00-16.45  Compliance with oral antidiabetics: Is noncompliance a predictor for medication switching behavior?
Fred de Koning, MSc, PhD, Faculty of Pharmacy, Pharmaco-epidemiology and Pharmacotherapy, Utrecht, The Netherlands

16.45-17.30  Randomized controlled trial of a practice nurse intervention to improve adherence to blood pressure lowering medication (trial in progress)
Knut Schroeder, MD, Division of Primary Health Care, University of Bristol, United Kingdom

17.30-18.15  Identifying sources of variability in population pharmacokinestic studies.
Eric Tousset, MD, Aardex LtD., Maastricht, The Netherlands

18.00  Closing remarks.
John Urquhart, MD, Division of Pharmaco-Epidemiology, Maastricht University, The Netherlands and Palo Alto, USA

19.00 Dinner at Restaurant  “Ter Eycken”.

Conference venue: Faculty Club “Huis van Chièvres”; Auditorium Willem Van Croy; Groot Begijnhof; Middenstraat 14; B-3000 Leuven; Belgium
