The 3rd Lowland Minisymposium on Drug Exposure was held at the SIR Institute for Pharmacy Practice Research, in Leiden on November 17th 1998.
Theme: Measuring and optimizing drug compliance in 5 different diseases.
Goal of the minisymposium is to get active researchers in pharmaco-epidemiology and the ascertainment of patient compliance) together to informally discuss new projects and ways to synchronize or cooperate on ongoing and new projects, and to (re)establish contacts with colleagues.
Each of the five speakers will give an overview of recent developments in his or her field of attention. These overviews serve as starting point for discussions, for which there is ample time reserved.
Welcome from 13.00 with sandwiches and beverages.
13.55 – 14.00: Opening remarks
14.00 – 14.30: Compliance in the use of antidpressant drugs
Eric van Ganse and Hans Petri
14.30-15.00: The importance of compliance in HIV treatment
Miriam Sturkenboom:
15.00-15.30: Compliance with oral diabetic treatment
Arsenio Paes:
15.45-16.15: DECOMP: measuring compliance in congestive heart failure.
Rob Heerdink and Marcel Bouvy:
16.15-16.45: Premlimnary resutls of the COUGAR study (COmpliance Unveiled in Gout, Arthritis and Rheumatism).
Erik de Klerk:
16.45-17.15: Round table discussion
All participants
17.15-17.30: Concluding remarks
John Urquhart:
After the minisymposium: dinner.
Program Committee :
Marcel Bouvy, SIR Institute for Pharmacy Practice Research, Leiden, The Netherlands
Rob Heerdink, Disciplinary group Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacotherapy, Utrecht & Institute for Pharmaceutical Sciences, TB Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Hans Petri, Institute for General Practice, Faculty of Medicine, Leiden, The Netherlands