The 2008 symposium on patient compliance and persistence was held at the University of Basel on September 5.
8:45-9:00 Welcome and Introduction.
Sabina De Geest, Institute of Nursing Science, University of Basel, Switzerland.
09:00-10:30 Interventions designed to enhance patient adherence (chair: Sabina De Geest)
Interventions to promote HIV medication adherence: Review of the literature and implications for future trials.
Jane M. Simoni, University of Washington, Seattle, USA (35 min.)
Transfer to practice: the experience of an adherence clinic in Lausanne, Switzerland.
Marie-Paule Schneider, CHUV Lausanne, Switzerland (25 min.)
Interventions to improve medication adherence among older adults: meta-analysis of outcomes among RCTS.
Vicky Conn, Russel C., Ruppar T., University of Missouri, Columbia, USA (15 min.)
Pilot study of a multidisciplinary comprehensive adherence-enhancing management program in HIV patients (AMP-HIV): The Swiss cohort study.
Isabelle Krummenacher, CHUV, Lausanne, Switzerland (15 min.)
10:30-11:00 Break.
11:00-12:15 Impact of the organisation of health care on patient adherence (chair: Marie-Paule Schneider).
“Looking beyond the horizon: system factors related to adherence in chronically ill patients”.
Sabina De Geest, University of Basel, Switzerland (25 min.)
Supporting Chronically-Ill Patients’ Medication Adherence: A Systems Approach.
John D. Piette, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA (35 min.)
The role and impact of consumer medicines information on medication adherence and persistence.
Raynor D.K., Knapp P., University of Leeds, UK (15 min.)
12:15-13:30 Lunch
13:30-14:50 Practical applications (chair: Robert Vanderstichele)
Adherence to antiparkinson medication in a multi-centre European study.
Katherine Grosset, Shettleston Health Centre, Glasgow, UK (25 min.)
Managing drug adherence of nephrology patients.
Michel Burnier, PMU, Lausanne, Switzerland (25 min.)
Adherence to lung function monitoring in lung transplant recipient.
Christiane Kugler, Hannover Medical School, Germany (15 min.)
Medication adherence in older renal transplant recipients.
Cynthia Russel, University of Missouri, Columbia, USA (15 min.)
14:50-15:20 Break.
15:20-16:00 Ongoing research and collaborative projects (chair: Eric Van Ganse)
Ascertaining barriers for Compliance: policies for safe, effective and cost-effective use of medicines in Europe (7th Framework Programme).
Przemyslaw Kardas, Medical University of Lodz, Poland (20 min.)
A community network to encourage the exchange of information and experience on adherence research:
Bernard Vrijens, Pharmionic Research Center, Visé, Belgium (20 min.)
16:00-16:40 Methodology (chair: Bernard Vrijens)
Pittfalls for measuring and analyzing compliance data.
Tracy Glass, Basel Institute of Clinical Epidemiology University Hospital Basel, Switzerland (25 min.)
Population PK parameter estimation: Effect of different dosing report methods on a population PK model for escitalopram.
Robert R. Bies, School of Pharmacy, University of Pittsburgh, USA (15 min.)
16:40-17:00 Concluding remarks and symposium closure (John Urquhart)
Conference venue: University of Basel, “Kollegienhaus”, Auditorium 102,Petersplatz 1, Basel, Switzerland